What is Quartz?
Quartz is a chemical compound consisting of one part silicon and two parts oxygen. It is silicon dioxide (SiO2). It is the most abundant mineral found at Earth's surface and its unique properties make it one of the most useful natural substances. Quartz is the second most common mineral in the Earth's continental crust. It is made up of a lattice of silica (SiO2) tetrahedra.
Quartz goes by an array of different names. The most important distinction between types of quartz is that of macrocrystalline (individual crystals visible to the unaided eye) and the microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline varieties (aggregates of crystals visible only under high magnification).
Its usefulness can be linked to its physical and chemical properties. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs' Scale which makes it very durable. It is chemically inert in contact with most substances. It has electrical properties and heat resistance that make it valuable in electronic products. Its luster, color and diaphaneity make it useful as a gemstone and also in the making of glass.
Physical Properties :
Appearance | : snow white, glassy powder |
Density | : 2.65 g/cm3 |
Oil absorption | : 17 to 26 |
Water Soluble salts | : none |
Volatile matter | : Less than 0.5% |
Loss on Ignition | : less than 0.1% |
Typical Chemical Analysis :
SiO2 | : > 99.6% |
Fe2O3 | : < 0.05% |
Al2O3 | : 0.12% |
CaO | : 0.28% |
Industrial Applications :
- Glass Making : High purity silica sand (Quartz sand)is used in the glassmaking industry. Quartz sand is used in the production of container glass, flat plate glass, specialty glass and fiberglass.
- Abrasive Material : Quartz is an excellent abrasive material. Quartz sands and finely ground silica sand are used for sand blasting, scouring cleansers, grinding media, and grit for sanding and sawing.
- Foundry Sand : Quartz is very resistant to both chemicals and heat. With a melting temperature higher than most metals it can be used for the molds and cores of common foundry work. Refractory brick are often made of quartz sand because of its high heat resistance. Quartz sand is also used as a flux in the smelting of metals.
- Petroleum Industry : Quartz sand has a high resistance to being crushed. In the petroleum industry sand slurries are forced down oil and gas wells under very high pressures in a process known as hydraulic fracturing. This high pressure fractures the reservoir rocks and the sandy slurry injects into the fractures. The durable sand grains hold the fractures open after the pressure is released. These open fractures facilitate the flow of natural gas into the well bore.
- Many Other Quartz Uses : Quartz sand is used as a filler in the manufacture of rubber, paint and putty. Screened and washed, carefully sized quartz grains are used as filter media and roofing granules. Quartz sands are used for traction in the railroad and mining industries. These sands are also used in recreation on golf courses, volleyball courts, baseball fields, children's sand boxes and beaches.
Our Suggested Grades :
Grade | Particle Size | Top Cut | Al2o3 | Application |
QZ-10 | 10 micron | 40 | > 0.15% | Glass, Abrasive materials |
QZ-20 | 20 micron | 50 | > 0.15% | Petroleum, Glass |
QZ-50 | 50 Micron | 75 | > 0.15% | Rubber, Putty, Foundry sand |